Verse and Dimensions: Structures

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Verse and Dimensions: Structures

Verses and Structures


A nullverse is the idea that there can be something one step less than a Point/Pointverse. With 0-dimensionality being a single infinitely small, or even sizeless, location, -1 dimensionality would be the absence of any location.


A pointverse is a universe with 0 spatial dimensions meaning that it exists as a single point.

It contains no more space or positions inside it other than that single unique infinitely small position. It has no size at all. The point it exists as corresponds to the mathematical definition of a point which possesses no size or size equal to zero.

It can exist without time as well, with no time dimensions at all, existing in a perpetual state of "timelessness". Or it can have one or more temporal dimensions as normal.

It can be seen as a singularity as well.


A protoverse is a specific case of a pointverse.

A protoverse is said to exist within its own point of origin; the "singularity" or infinitesimally small point just before the Big Bang. In particular, it can be used to refer to the point leading up to our own universe.

The instant a protoverse "exists", it immediately turns into a Big Bang which like most universal births, creates the universe over a span of billions of years.

In the same way that this "explosion" creates the normal space dimensions of the resulting universe from the previous existing 0 space dimensions in the pointverse, it is possible that any time dimensions inside the resulting universe are created in that event and do not exist before it. In that case the pointverse existed out of time and there exists no "before" the Big Bang event for it, even though it itself already existed without time. It could be said that such protoverse was the cause for the Big Bang but not that it existed before the Big Bang.

Brane collisions create protoverses at their impact point, which then explode outwards into new branes.


An infinitesimal particle

According to modern physics, our universe consists of a huge number of particles that interact with each other within the framework of the fundamental forces of nature. However, there is a theory that each of these particles itself can be a miniature universe containing multiverse structures and entities.

The idea is that inside each infinitesimal particle there is its own world, with its own laws of physics and entities. These multiverse structures can contain a variety of objects, from galaxies and star systems to the smallest elementary particles.

The key point in this concept is that each structure of the multiverse within a particle can interact with other structures, creating complex networks of interconnections. This opens up opportunities for the emergence of new physical phenomena and properties that we cannot observe in our macroscopic universe.

Thus, the idea of multiverse structures and entities inside infinitesimal particles is a fascinating concept that can shed light on the fundamental laws of nature and expand our understanding of the world around us.

An infinitesimal particle contains a Woodin cardinal, supercompact cardinal

The Higgs Boson

The Higgs boson is an elementary particle that plays an important role in the standard model of elementary particles, the theory describing fundamental particles and their interactions.

Named after physicist Peter Higgs, the Higgs boson is a quantum excitation of the Higgs field that fills the entire universe. It is assumed that the Higgs field is responsible for the mass of other elementary particles, such as quarks and leptons.

According to the standard model, particles interact with the Higgs field and acquire their mass. Without the presence of the Higgs field, all particles would be massive, and the interactions between them would be completely different.

The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 as a result of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). This was an important moment in science, as it confirmed the existence of the Higgs field and its quantum excitation, the Higgs boson.

The discovery of the Higgs boson is of great importance because it helps explain how particles acquire mass and why some particles are more massive than others. It also confirms the existence of the standard model of elementary particles and gives us a deeper understanding of the structure of our universe. The Higgs boson and its properties continue to be the subject of active research in particle physics, as its more detailed study can lead to new discoveries and expand our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature. The Higgs boson contains the hypercompact cardinal


A neutrino is an elementary particle, which is one of the fundamental particles of the standard model of elementary particles. The neutrino has no electric charge and interacts very weakly with other particles and fields, which makes it very difficult to detect.

The neutrino has spin 1/2 and is a fermion, which means that it obeys the Pauli principle and Fermi-Dirac statistics. There are three different types of neutrinos: electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino corresponding to electron, muon and tau lepton respectively.

Neutrinos are formed during some radioactive decays, such as beta decay. They also occur as a result of nuclear reactions, for example, during nuclear reactions in the sun. Neutrinos can also form as a result of high-energy phenomena such as supernova explosions or active galactic nuclei.

It is interesting to note that neutrinos have a very small mass, so they can travel at a speed close to the speed of light. This makes them particularly interesting for studying physical phenomena such as astrophysics and elementary particles.

The study of neutrinos is an active area of particle physics, and many experiments are being conducted to study their properties and interactions. Understanding neutrinos can help expand our knowledge of the fundamental laws of nature and better understand the processes taking place in the universe.

Neutrino contains a high jump cardinal.


Muons have the same negative charge as electrons, but in ??? once a large mass. They occur when high-energy particles called cosmic rays collide with atoms in the Earth's atmosphere.

Moving at a speed close to the speed of light, muons are showering the Earth from all sides. Each arm-sized region of the planet gets about one muon per second, and particles can pass through hundreds of meters of solid material before they are absorbed.

According to Christine Carloganou, a physicist at the Clermont-Ferrand Physics Laboratory in France, their ubiquity and penetrating power make muons ideal for imaging large dense objects without damaging them.

The muon contains a rank into rank cardinal


A millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was an incredibly dense plasma, so hot that neither nuclei nor even nuclear particles could exist.

The plasma consists of quarks, the particles that make up nucleons and some other elementary particles, and gluons, massless particles that "transfer" force between quarks.

Gluons are particles that exchange color power between quarks, similar to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles. Gluon can be considered a fundamental exchange particle underlying the strong interaction between protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

Gluon contains a wholeness axiom


Imagine a ray of yellow sunlight coming through a window. According to quantum physics, this ray consists of billions of tiny packets of light called photons that travel through the air. But what is a photon?

A photon is the smallest discrete quantity or quantum of electromagnetic radiation. It is the basic unit of measurement of the whole world.

Photons are always in motion and move in vacuum at a constant velocity of 2.998 × 108 m/s for all observers. This is usually called the speed of light, denoted by the letter C.

According to Einstein's quantum theory of light, photons have energy equal to their oscillation frequency multiplied by Planck's constant. Einstein proved that light is a stream of photons, the energy of these photons is equal to the height of their oscillation frequency, and the intensity of light corresponds to the number of photons.

A photon contains 0=1 contradiction


A quark is an elementary particle, which is one of the fundamental particles of the standard model of elementary particles. Quarks are an integral part of protons and neutrons, which are the basic building blocks of atomic nuclei.

Quarks have an electric charge and spin 1/2, which makes them fermions. There are six different types of quarks, which are classified according to their properties and electric charge: upper (u), lower (d), strange (s), enchanted (c), upper (t) and lower (b).

Quarks have a feature called quark retention. This means that quarks cannot freely exist separately, but can only be detected as part of composite particles such as mesons and baryons. For example, a proton consists of two upper quarks and one lower quark.

The interaction of quarks is carried out through the strong nuclear interaction, which provides the force necessary to unite quarks inside atomic nuclei. The strong interaction is also responsible for the exchange of gluons, which are carriers of the strong interaction.

The study of quarks and their interactions is an important area of particle physics and nuclear physics. Understanding the properties of quarks helps us to better understand the structure and properties of atomic nuclei, as well as the principles of the fundamental forces of nature.

The quark contains a Type 4 Tegmark Multiverse


An atom is the basic unit of a chemical element consisting of a nucleus and an electron shell. The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons, and the electron shell rotates around the nucleus.

Protons are positively charged particles, and neutrons are neutral particles. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the chemical properties of an element and is called the atomic number. Neutrons do not affect the chemical properties of an element, but they do affect its stability.

The electron shell consists of negatively charged electrons that move in certain orbits or energy levels around the nucleus. Energy levels are divided into sublevels and atomic orbitals, which determine the distribution of electrons around the nucleus.

Atoms can form chemical bonds with each other, forming molecules and compounds. Chemical bonds are formed by exchanging, transferring, or sharing electrons between atoms.

The study of atoms and their properties is at the heart of chemistry and physics. Understanding the structure and behavior of atoms allows us to explain many chemical and physical phenomena, as well as develop new materials and technologies.

The atom contains an extended modal realism.


A molecule is the smallest unit of a substance that retains its chemical properties and can exist independently. It consists of two or more atoms connected by chemical bonds. Molecules can be monatomic, such as helium or neon, or consist of a large number of atoms, such as water or hydrocarbons. Molecules are the basic building blocks of all substances and play an important role in various chemical reactions and processes.

The molecule contains Reinhardt cardinal.


An Archverse is a cosmological structure that is defined to be a large set of verses that are composed of Universes. Simply put, they are finite or infinite sets of smaller archverses. Archverses are nested within an infinite stack known as an Archverse chain within the Omniverse and fill every possible gap of reality in it. In some cosmology tiers, the start of the archverse chain is considered to be the Gigaverse, a finite or infinite set of Megaverse's, since it can be considered to be the start of -verses that start to lose any significant meaning. If the category of this definition of archverse is broadened to include the Universe, Multiverse, and Megaverse, then the -verses are known as metric -verses in the metric -verse hierarchy. In other cosmology tiers, there is no difference between metric -verses and archverses, and the terms can be used interchangeably. In that case, the lowest nested level of archverse is the Universe.

An arbitrarily large group of archverses within a larger archverse is known as an Archverse cohort, though the term Ultraverse is used when the archverses within it have an extremely high nested level and the term -verse cohort is generally used when said -verses within the archverse are metric -verses with designated names (e.g. universe cohort, multiverse cohort, megaverse cohort, etc.).

Archverses with a finite nested level (“index”) are often generalized to ordinal indices. This whole hierarchy of ordinal-indexed archverses is known as Soupcount. The ωth archverse is generally considered to be the “Omniverse” or “Small Omniverse”. This article will primarily focus on archverses of finite indices while the Soupcount article will focus more on infinite indices. The creatures can be found living in these verses can be found here.

The simplest version of an archverse is to consider it a finite set of smaller archverses composed of a finite amount of universes.

These finite archverses don't contain every single possible -verse within it, and the universe can be considered finite as well. There are two ways that can be viewed. The first is to consider an archverse to be a very large hypersphere that contains a finite set of lower-dimensional hyperspheres, that go all the way down to the Universe, which can have a random number of dimensions (in our case, 3, suggesting that the Universe is a glome). The second (and probably easier to picture) way is to consider an archverse to be an isolated set of smaller archverses.

However, an isolated finite set of archverses within an infinitely large archverse, is only known as an archverse cohort. With infinite archverses, there are many ways that an archverse can be defined further than "an infinite collection of the last archverse". This is because Cosmology is subjective, and how one may think an infinite collection of already infinite -verses would be different to someone else's.

Climbing the Archverse Chain

One way to define an archverse is to extend the brane multiverse postulate. A way to interpret the Multiverse is to view it as an infinite set of 4D (3 spatial, 1 temporal) universes that exist in flat spaces known as "branes" stacked on top of one another in a higher-dimensional space, creating a space with 4 spatial dimensions and 2 temporal dimensions. Think of it like stacking an infinite amount of sheets of paper. It may seem logical to continue on from there to create larger and larger archverses, so a Megaverse can be considered to be an 8D infinite set of 6D branes containing Multiverses, and so on. One archverse would pertain a higher dimensionality from the last. The dimensionality can be given with the formula S+T+2N-2, where S is the spatial dimensionality of the universes composing the archverse, T is the temporal dimensionality and N is the nested level of the archverse. Obviously, this view has to stem from a universe with a known dimensionality (4, in this case), and -verses with a lower dimensionality than said universe aren't accounted for, not to mention the fact that its definition of a multiverse differs from a multiverse in superstring, M-theory or bosonic string theory, which suggest that the multiverses' spacetime may have 10, 11, and 26 dimensions respectively, including temporal dimensions.

A simpler resolution may have only either the spacial or the temporal dimensions increase with nested level but not both. For spacial dimensions, assuming the universe has 3 dimensions, the multiverse would have 4, a megaverse 5, a gigaverse 6, and so on. For temporal dimensions, assuming the universe has 1 temporal dimension, a multiverse would have 2, a megaverse 3, a gigaverse 4, and so on. The dimensionality formula for either case can now simply be given as S+T+N-1.

Another alternative view of an archverse is to consider it to be a -verse created from repeatedly power setting a Universe, assuming that the elements within the Universe are its fundamental elements and constants. A Universe can be viewed as the set of an uncountable amount of elements. The power set of the universe would be the set of every possible subset within the set, the set of every possible Universe that is different from said universe, a Multiverse. The power set operation can be done to a multiverse, which results in a Megaverse, and so on. One archverse would pertain a larger cardinality than the last. The resulting -verses of the power set operation, coexisting with the original one inside the new larger created archverse would be altverses of the original. A Prism Gate can output an archverse by taking the power set of an archverse that is one nested level below it.

Regardless of how an archverse can be described as a concept, an archverse is tremendously large, and at their scale, no human will ever describe their appearance. On this Wiki, the is used as representations of archverses are just that, representations. They are in no way supposed to show what an archverse looks like at all.

Naming system

As the name suggests, the naming of the metric -verse system relies on metric prefixes for -illions starting from mega-. Therefore, the names of the first archverses using the official SI prefixes from Megaverse are the Gigaverse, Teraverse, Petaverse,Exaverse, Zettaverse, Yottaverse, Ronnaverse and Quettaverse. Since there are no official prefixes after quetta-, the naming of archverses after that have to use unofficial prefixes; there were no prefixes after yotta- until 2022, so previously those archverses used unofficial prefixes too. Below is a list of the names of 90 archverses past Yottaverse. Currently, there is no accepted extended system that the metric hierarchy system uses, mainly because these -verses aren't useful as concepts. The most commonly used extensions for archverse naming use Jim Blowers' old system or Sbiis Saibian's system, though others have been used.


A universe can be interpreted as a -verse that comprises of a self-contained spacetime that can be of any shape (e.g. hyperspherical, flat, hyperbolic) and all of the contents within it. Contents of a universe can include, but are not limited to, planets, brown dwarfs, stars, galaxies, dark matter, dark energy, other forms of mass-energy, and even civilizations of entities. Spacetimes and their own contents disconnected from and causally independent from that of a given universe are typically called parallel to said universe. Finite or infinite sets of universes with some given relationship with one another are known as multiverses.

Universes can host restrictions on how objects within it can behave and interact with one another. These restrictions are known as the universe's laws of physics. Scientific progression by intelligent civilizations living within a universe involves the development of scientific theories that aim to accurately reflect physical relationships fundamental to universal laws.

Universes of finite age can start from an initial, generally extremely hot and dense, state known as a Big Bang from which it will "age" and expand from. Events that take place "before" a universe's Big Bang are generally not particularly meaningful to entities embedded within the universe as they are not part of the universe's spacetime. Depending on factors such as energy density, curvature, size, and topology, a universe can have many different expansion behaviours and end states. Examples of possible end states that can occur to an expanding universe include a Big Crunch, a Big Rip, and heat death.

Alternatively, a universe can refer to everything that can observed by a given reference entity. Our observable universe, for instance, is the set of all possible things within our own universe such that electromagnetic radiation potentially from said things has had enough time within the age of the universe to reach the planet Earth. Planet Earth contains the Berkeley cardinal. Galaxy Milky Way contains V=Ultimate-L. The Universe contains Von Neumann Universe.


Different interpretations of a multiverse containing multiple universes whether they are different structures often considered a multiverse by people or differing interpretations of a multiverse in different cosmologies can involve different interpretations of what a universe is and how they're structured. These interpretations can vary wildly in size and structure.

A Type I multiverse, interpreted as an infinite, isotropic, and homogenous universe itself, contains multiple observable universe-sized region of spaces identical to that of a given observable universe spaced apart by 10^10^115 meters that are interpreted as parallel universes.

When the (10+1)D universe of M-theory is interpreted as a multiverse, the (3+1)D Dirichlet membranes (D3-branes) that can have observable universes embedded in them can be interpreted as universes.


Most universes are born from a multiverse in which there are multiple to perhaps an immeasurable number – which may or may not contain humans or life at all. In fact, some of them may be so hostile that chemistry or physics as we know them do not function properly.

Other information

Travel between universes is possible for extremely advanced civilizations through the use of portals, dark energy, time maneuvering, or other space-warping mechanisms. Additionally, cosmic entities can traverse through universes easily. Most universes shall eventually "die" as the second law of thermodynamics ensures that energy becomes less and less usable over time. This may not always be the case with alternate physical laws, though.

A universe can have any amount of dimensions from 1 to Aleph-one.

Types of Universes

Due to special properties a universe can have, it may be categorized differently from most since it's not just the laws of physics and possibilities that are different.

Multiversally bounded

These are universes that are born in multiverses, born from big bangs. These are the most likely to give birth to powerful civilizations since they are more safe and less bounded than other types of universes.


If a universe is kicked out of a multiverse or is created outside of a multiverse, then it is categorized as a soverse, which is short for solo universe. These universes are usually more static than most since it is dangerous for an object with the dimensionality level as much as a universe to enter intermultiversal space. Even if a life where to from on a soverse, it is very unlikely for it thrive let alone survive long periods of time, even if they a civilization emerges, it is unlikely for it to reach Type Ⅴ because of the huge distances between it and a multiverse.


Latin for "unatural" any universe falling into this category is created by an advanced civilization or cosmic entity. They are not born from big bangs and are usually unnaturally organized and/or have properties meant to create and/or keep certain things. If a universe falls into this category, it could still be categorized as Multiversally bounded or Soverse.

Pocket Universe

These are universes in which they come from a host universe; they are pockets of physics and possibilities different from the original universe but is not different enough to break free from it whether in space or time. They often confused with parallel universes because they are slight changes in possibility and laws of physics, but if they still exist in the same timeline or the smaller universe is still inside of the larger, than it is a pocket universe.


A multiverse is a set of a finite or possible infinite number of universes, frequently interpreted as a space containing distinct, typically non-interacting universal "bubbles". Occasionally, the term is used to define the hypothetical set of every single possible universe, including the universe in which we live.

A number of distinct multiverse hypotheses exist that can describe multiverses in various ways, but in essence the feature in common is that they involve multiple universes or realities distinct from each other and from the one that we, or at minimum a single observer, experiences.

The various universes within a multiverse are called "parallel universes,” "other universes,” or "alternate universes.” It is possible to classify a multiverse based on what types of universes it contains and how they relate to each other (see Altverse).


The dimensionality of a multiverse depends on the specific interpretation of the multiverse taken.

A simple conception of a multiverse is 5-Dimensional space, with several four dimensional universe-"lines" arranged in a stack in a 5 dimensional space.

One can also construct a multiverse with the same dimensionality as the universes it contains; if the universes are finitely large, they can simply sit inside a larger space like bubbles in a volume of water. Provided that the multiverse is negatively curved, one can even fit infinitely many infinitely large universes of the same dimensionality inside. In this model, each infinite universe is a horohyperball bounded by a horohypersphere. Using a Poincaré hyperball model to model the geometry of such a multiverse, every representation of an infinite universe would be a hyperball tangent to the outer boundary of the unit hyperball.

The most extreme conception of the multiverse has them be infinite dimensional, with the coordinates of a point in the multiverse representing the complete state of the universe located at that position (such a multiverse can also be called a phaseverse).

Multiverses as Generalization

A feature common among many cosmologies is to take a multiverse as a generalization or abstraction of the universes it contains: for example, whereas a single universe might have a single mathematical basis for its laws of physics, a fixed number of dimensions, a single set of fundamental constants, and an initial condition, a multiverse can be constructed in which every universe has three of these four held constant but the other is free to vary between universes. One operation by which this may be done is the power-set, which has the useful property in that the "size", in one sense, of a multiverse containing infinitely large universes is one beth number larger than that of those universes.

In this model, it then becomes feasible to introduce a megaverse as a structure that behaves like a "multiverse of multiverses", perhaps losing another feature in common among the universes it contains, and to continue ad infinitum in what is called an archverse chain.

Tegmark Multiverses

While his writing is inconsistent with the description given above, it is nonetheless common for discussions of the multiverse to bring up the work of physicist Max Tegmark, who proposes that cosmology may be layered up to four levels deep, each one requiring fewer assumptions about physics than before. As such, these levels are outlined below for whatever reference purposes they may be needed for.

Type I

A Type I multiverse, the least like a multiverse as written above, is a natural consequence of an infinite, isotropic, homogenous universe: if the probability of a cosmological region – be it a cubic centimeter or a Hubble volume – having certain contents in a certain arrangement after the Big Bang is nonzero, then an infinite universe would contain infinitely many such regions. Popularly, this argument is taken to mean that an exact copy of our own observable universe exists somewhere else in the universe. It can be crudely estimated that identical regions the size of our Hubble volume are spaced apart by approximately 10^10^115 meters, identical regions 100 light-years in radius are spaced apart by approximately 10^10^91 meters, and identical copies of a person are spaced apart by approximately 10^10^29 meters.

Type II

A Type II multiverse would instead be a consequence of the chaotic inflationary theory of cosmology, which purports that quantum fluctuations shortly after the Big Bang created mutually inaccessible pockets of space that, having evolved differently from the unified high-energy physics before them, may have ended up with different physical constants or even geometries. In the nested interpretation, each pocket could itself be a Type I multiverse. Such an argument is sometimes invoked to explain apparent cosmological fine-tuning, in which an infinite number of different, perhaps inhospitable, universes exist alongside our own so that our physical constants thus come across as less extraordinary.

Type III

A Type III multiverse would be a consequence of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which quantum events with probabilistic outcomes resolve in all ways at once, passing into a vast number of Everett branches each considered to be its own universe. Such a multiverse would function identically to a Type I, only in alternate quantum branches rather than alternate locations in 3-space; one could model a divergence as either a single branch that splits into two, or as a pair of Hubble volumes in the Type I multiverse which begin to differ only upon the resolution of one particular quantum function, If a Type III multiverse is working with infinite Higher Dimensions, where each Higher Dimensions Transcend infinitely uncountable one another, one should not compare any Higher Dimensions, as each of them is infinitely countless above one another, so it will never end, as it will infinitely countlessly piling upwards for all eternity, forming the infinite Higher Dimensions that exist in the Type III multiverse.

Type IV

A Type IV multiverse abstracts even further from the above, positing that alternate spaces with different general principles of physics and mathematics exist independently of ours. Tegmark asks "why these equations and not others?" and resolves the question with the assumption that any other set of equations also exists as a distinct mathematical – and thus physical – structure. This may be analogous to a megaverse or gigaverse, in which one needs even fewer starting assumptions than a set of laws of physics. It contains all mathematics.

Multiverse and Omniverse

It is common, especially in fiction, to see the terms "multiverse" and "omniverse" used interchangably to describe a set of universes, often specifically written as the set of all possible universes or all fictional universes. On this wiki, the omniverse is taken to be some number of levels above the multiverse, perhaps infinitely many, but neither one is seen as an insurpassable boundary. Because fiction can be written involving structures beyond a multiverse or omniverse, interpreting either as a container of all fiction, human thought, or otherwise is incorrect by this view.

Interdimensional Void

An Interdimensional Void is the area in between every single verse, dimension, realm, etc. in a multiverse.

Extra universal space is the term for the empty void of pure vacuum (or, in some interpretations, nothing at all) filling multiverses in between the universes inside. It is essentially a smaller-scale version of The Outside or perhaps even the "place" known as Beyond. Some methods of travelling between universes involve going through this space. It has an arbitrary number of dimensions in both space and time.

This "space" does not always have to exist. Multiverses can be constructed so that all of their universes are in the same spatial location but overlapped on top of each other, and there are undoubtedly many other ways to arrange a huge or infinite number of universes without needing a space beyond it.


A Megaverse is a collection of multiple different Multiverses, either a finite or infinite amount of them, usually each having different properties and interuniversal laws, such as different cosmic events being possible, such as Big Booms, etc.

A megaverse can be contained by a Gigaverse or a Teraverse, or other -verses in the metric hierarchy, but this eventually leads back up to the Archverse chain.

To inhabitants of a multiverse, other multiverses in the same megaverse can be referred to as parallel multiverses, alternate multiverses, or simply other multiverses, depending on the degree of similarity between multiverses in the megaverse. The former two are multiversal analogues of altverses. Some civilisations call the Megaverse an Omniverse, since they haven't discovered the Gigaverse yet.

The most common form of Megaverses (which are beyond the concept dimensionality and beyond mathematics) are stacked on top of each other in a metaphysical space, with multiple being stacked on top of each other in one Gigaverse.


The Gigaverse is the fourth nested level of the metric -verse series and the lowest-level archverse. This archverse contains infinite amount of megaverses, which are the third nested level. The higher megaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Gigaverse is unattainable by any extension of megaverse hierarchies.


The Teraverse is the fifth nested level of the metric -verse series and the second lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains infinite amount of gigaverses, which are the fourth nested level. The higher gigaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Teraverse is unattainable by any extension of gigaverse hierarchies.


The Petaverse is the sixth nested level of the metric -verse series and the third lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains infinite amount of teraverses, which are the fifth nested level. The higher teraverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Petaverse is unattainable by any extension of Teraverse hierarchies.

The Petavere density depends on the region. The center of the Petaverse is the densest, which is noticeable by its bright blue color. The outer regions are the least dense. The beyond dimensional outer gaps are incalculable here.


The Exaverse is the seventh nested level of the metric -verse series and the fourth lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains infinite amount of petaverses, which are the sixth nested level. The higher petaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Exaverse is unattainable by any extension of Petaverse hierarchies.

Unlike Petaverses the high density regions are on the outside of the center. The center of an Exaverse is one of the lowest density regions of any Archverse.


The Zettaverse is the eighth nested level of the metric -verse series and the fifth lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains a finite or infinite amount of exaverses, which are the seventh nested level. The higher exaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Zettaverse is unattainable by any extension of Exaverse hierarchies.

The Zettaverse is something many people would even consider EMR (Extended Modal Realism.) Due to its complexity. Its complexity is noticeable by the density of a Zettaverse; most zettaverses have a corner-shaped center( which has high density). There are small areas around the center with large density, however it's hard to calculate/predict where. The regions between the areas of density are the least dense regions of any Archverse.


The Yottaverse is the ninth nested level of the metric -verse series and the sixth lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains infinite amount of zettaverses, which are the eighth nested level. The higher zettaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Yottaverse is unattainable by any extension of Zettaverse hierarchies.

The yottaverse is made of multiple lines of stacked Zettaverses. These lines shoot out in random directions. It is theorized that when 2 of these lines crash, a large amount of Arhadalite is created by the crashing of Zettaverses and lower Archverses.


The Ronnaverse is the tenth nested level of the metric -verse series and the seventh lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains infinite amount of Yottaverses, which are the ninth nested level. The higher Yottaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Ronnaverse is unattainable by any extension of Yottaverse hierarchies. Interestingly, a Ronnaverse is a fractal-like stucture, like a Teraverse. Even though a Teraverse is 5 levels below it. It's still unknown why every 6th-9th levels are not fractal-like structures.

Ronnaverses are connected with each other in a chain-like fashion. The Quettaverse is composed of long chains of Ronnaverses. A chain is composed of a large chain with other chains branching of it.


The Quettaverse is the eleventh nested level of the metric -verse series and the eighth lowest-level archverse. This -verse contains a finite or infinite amount of Ronnaverses, which are the tenth nested level. The higher Ronnaverse in the hierarchy surpasses the lower one just as the lower one surpasses the Nullverse. Quettaverse is unattainable by any extension of Ronnaaverse hierarchies.

The Quettaverse has a high-dense region in its center, the Ronnaverses in the center are so thightly pack together that it glows a bright white. While Ronnaverses are blue colored, the outer regions of the Quettaverse are pink colored.


The omniverse (or Omniverse) is the largest of the classical -verses, surpassing a multiverse or even any of the archverses by a transfinite factor. While frequently argued to contain absolutely everything, there are limits to the Omniverse's extent, reached when one attempts to derive something not part of a given understanding of reality.


The Omniverse holds everything that can be accessed through progressive powersets of any particular base universe (or "reality") within itself. It is the limit of archverse recursion – this can be the first limit ordinal ω, or a much higher transfinite, depending on the level of recursion considered.

Within the omniverse exists all Mathematics, Physics. Philosophies and concepts, which make up the omniverse and make it function.

In a sense, it can indeed be argued to contain "all of Reality", but only in the sense that those below it observe it to be as such. The inhabitants of a universe, for instance, can posit the existence of a multiverse containing every possible state their universe could be in, and a megaverse allowing for looser laws of physics, and a gigaverse allowing for even fewer restrictions, but the limit of this application must be at the omniverse if they wish to stay within the concept of "things that are real". Thus, alternate omniverses in each others' relative Paradox Space contain things that cannot be mapped from one sense of "reality" to another. Omniverse contains super-mathematics and archverse hierarchy. There are s-inaccessible cardinal of these archversal structures, and each higher structure surpasses the lower one, just as the lower one surpasses the ordinary atom and cannot be reached by extensions of hierarchies from below.

Not many entities or civilizations can achieve or even fathom exiting the Omniverse, either being denied access to the exterior by Creator or Destroyer, or simply not being advanced enough to jump through an infinite amount of spaces. However, it has been done by many highly advanced civilizations, and even some small teams, such as Satoru's crew.

The only trait every single thing within the Omniverse share is that it exists. How it exists varies in countless ways.

The Omniverse is ALL and nothing can surpass the omniverse. The nature of omniverse is being beyond anything and if something surpass omniverse, then omniverse still contains this thing. The Omniverse is inaccessible by any extension of archversal hierarchies, unattainable even by Absolute Infinity and Cantor's Ordinal, and goes completely beyond the concept of dimensionality. Even if we continue to build structures that go completely beyond the concept of mathematics and the dimensionality for eternity, we will not get one step closer to the omniverse. Even if something surpasses this, and continues its ascent through hierarchies that completely overshadow everything described earlier, it will still remain only a monument to creation, dust in the wind.

The term "omniverse" was coined by Mark Gruenwald. It has been popularized by the composer-writer Sun Ra. Roger Penrose has spoken of the "omnium".

Beyond the Omniverse

The Omniverse exists in the surrounding emptiness known as The Outside, a void of virtual nothingness. Whatever may lie outside of these concepts is simply referred to as Beyond, one of the many iterations contained by Transcendentem.


Two Godverses orbit the Omniverse, one belonging to Creator, and one to Destroyer.

The Omniverse, the three Godverses and The Outside are what makeup the Barrel, the local monocosm

Godverses are realms beyond the Omniverse that are home to deities/gods. There are three Godverses within The Barrel; one belonging to Creator, one belonging to Destroyer, and one belonging to Hyperman.


Very few concepts in general can truly be outside of the Omniverse; as the name itself implies the complete totality of all verses, as well as countless realms, dimensions, spaces, voids, etc. However, for Omnipotent beings like Creator, Destroyer, and Hyperman, this is just another concept below their level.

Being omnipotent^1 allows these entities to be beyond the very concept of existence. This allows Godverses to be outside the limits (what few there are) of the Omniverse. Nonetheless, Godverses can still be classified as "existing", but the inner working of such a magnificent space are beyond any known level of comprehension within the Omniverse. If anything were to exist within the Godverses, it would be completely alien to every form of existence known and experienced within the Omniverse. Currently, only the nature of Hyperman's Godverse is known by some inhabitants of the Omniverse. However even this knowledge is simply vague, abstract details as its true nature is almost certainly beyond their comprehension.

All three Godverses alongside the Omniverse exist within an even larger -verse known as The Barrel. (Our local Monocosm.) Between the Godverses and Omniverses is a void named The Outside, which encompasses the absence of existence. All of this, however, is of course still kept within a much larger structure known as The Box.

Cosmological Value

The Godverse (aka the Godverses) are commonly identified as a 'verse', yet whilst being a verse, it also conflicts with it being a spiritual realm, which this spiritual realm is commonly shared between the Creator, the Destroyer, and the Hyperman, and with this spiritual realm being omnipotent^1, allowing it and the deities to be beyond the concept of existence and also allows to be it outside the limits of the Omniverse. The identification and presumed 'existence' of the Godverse is only contradictory considering the Godverse are beyond the concept of existence and beyond outside the limits of the Omniverse.


The Outside is the surrounding nothingness outside of the Omniverse and the Godverses.

The Outside is a void that stretches far into oblivion. Almost no being can survive being in the Outside for more than a short time due to the pressure of the literal absence of anything. If you were to travel throughout the outside, you could perhaps find something completely different than what we call existence. This is simply referred to as Beyond. This has only been done successfully a handful of times. Most notably, by The Omniversal Traveler.


A Monocosm is the name for the Soupcount Archverse above and containing the Omniverse. Our Monocosm includes one Omniverse, two Godverses, the Beyond Realm, and The Outside.

Our Monocosm is known as The Barrel.


The contents in the Monocosms throughout Beyond are variable. There can be more Omniverses, more or less Godverses, no Beyond Realm, etc.

Different Monocosms can also have different properties, like Universes in a Multiverse. The different Omniverses within other Monocosms can have completely separate forms of existence completely alien to our own understanding of reality on a scale not visible within an Omniverse.


Monocosms are initially created by The Supergod Council and contain nothing more than the Outside and single Creator and Destroyer within it. The contents of the Monocosm (such as the Omniverses and Godverses) are then created through a process known in the Barrel as The Divine Ground.

Atypical Monocosms

Sometimes Monocosms will display unusual properties: like the abundance or dearth of substructures. They can form regularly along with other Monocosms in the Beyond and are usually left alone unless they cause some sort of instability.

Typical Monocosms through our understanding

Typical Monocosms contain one Omniverse, two Godverses (one for Creator, one for Destroyer) and an Outside. Our Monocosm, the Barrel, is actually atypical due to containing three Godverses (the extra one belongs to Hyperman)

Examples of Atypical Monocosms

Containing two or more Omniverses: a polyomniversial Monocosm. Containing two Omniverses, it is called a Duocosm, if it contains three, a Triocosm and so on. These are common examples of atypical Monocosms. They are usually formed when the Creator becomes too powerful.

Containing three or more Godverses: a polygodversial Monocosm. The Barrel exhibits this due to Hyperman establishing his Godverse. Usually occurs when another entity rises to power within the Monocosm such as omnipotence^1.

Containing no Omniverse: a anomniversial Monocosm. Sometimes referred to as a Zerocosm or Nilcosm. This happens mostly when the Destroyer gets too much power, although sometimes great Omniversal wars may cause the Omniverse to rip apart. This will usually cause it to eject or destroy its Godverses an become an Empty Monocosm, listed at the bottom.

Containing one or no Godverses: an oligogodversial Monocosm. This is a common error during monocosmic formation and is fixed quickly, but very rarely monocosmic gods may be destroyed and their Godverse will collapse. This is very serious an threatens the integrity of the Monocosm.

Containing nothing (except an Outside): an Empty Monocosm. These are usually shells of Monocosms destroyed by the Supergod Council.

The Barrel

The Barrel is the collective name for the local Monocosm containing the basic Omniversal Cosmology.

Its known contents include one Omniverse, three Godverses (one for Creator, one for Destroyer and one for Hyperman known as the Beyond Realm) and the Outside.

Hyperman’s Godverse

Hyperman's Godverse is the third Godverse within The Barrel. Unlike the Godverses of Creator and Destroyer, there is nothing within this Godverse except for Hyperman himself. In fact, this Godverse is Hyperman, or at least an extension of himself, in a sense. He represents the totality of all existence within the Godverse, making him fully omnipresent within it and allowing him to control every aspect of reality and physics in his Godverse. In this way, Hyperman is technically the embodiment of an entire Omniverse within himself. A being on such a level of existence could, therefore, be capable of grasping the outer limits of the Omniverse.


The Beyond is the unknown "place" beyond all of existence holding all Monocosms, such as The Barrel. Beyond the Omniverse, beyond The Outside, and beyond The Barrel. What lies beyond could be something completely different from what many would perceive as existence.

Within this void, an Absolute infinite number of Monocosms can be found, each Monocosmos inaccessibly Transcend each other, inaccessibly piling upwards for all eternity, To entities who can only comprehend forms of existence within their own Monocosm, these many alternate Monocosms may appear as a field of shining lights, each light being a separate Monocosm. The -verse containing this great void and all the Monocosms found within it is known as the "Beyond Bubble".

The stability of the many Monocosms within our Beyond Bubble is administered by a group of six Cosmic Entities with power even beyond that of Creator, known as The Supergod Council.

All science and philosophies are null and do not apply to the beyond, as it exists far beyond them. The only thing's that can really describe the Beyond are abstract concepts and some theories.


An entity who came to be known simply as The Omniversal Traveler exited the Omniverse to find any existence beyond the immeasurably large void known as The Outside. This led him to discover Beyond and its many shining lights. This was a form of existence completely beyond anything he ever knew even existed, hence he named it 'Beyond'.


Transcendentem is a barrier encompassing an immeasurably infinite number of different Beyond Bubbles. The purpose of Transcendentem is to separate these Beyond Bubbles from each-other, as two Beyond Bubble merging would have apocalyptic consequences.

Reality is so fundamentally different outside Beyond compared to inside it that should two Beyond Bubbles merge, it would cause unfathomable amounts of chaos as the two contradictory forms of existence destabilized each-other.


There is an entity, stronger than everything in every beyond-iteration in Transcendentem, but not as powerful as some Aspect Lords, named The Guardian Of The 5th Wall who maintains Transcendentem and prevents any and all Beyond Bubbles from merging and causing such chaos.

The wall itself is equally different from reality within Beyond, such that any entity who exits their Beyond Bubble and enters Transcendentem without sufficient power will suffer the same fate as those who find themselves in two merged Beyond Bubbles. (Such as was the case for Venrensorys.)

Some entities have mental and/or physical power so great that they are able to comprehend and exist in the void between Beyond Bubbles, like Fantazia, however entities such as Fantazia can only travel through Transcendentem, they cannot properly affect or control it. A far greater level of power, such as that held by the Guardian of the 5th Wall, is required to do so.

Stage I Seeds from the External Hazard are very capable of moving through Transcendentem and a far greater number do than we realize. They fly through Transcendentem aimlessly, hopefully hitting a Beyond Bubble and latching onto it, however considering the absolute size of Transcendentem, it is likely the majority never hit a Beyond Bubble and just continue moving through Transcendentem with no direction.

Knowledge of Transcendentem

Knowledge of Transcendentem from within our Beyond Bubble is very limited. The Supergod Council know, mostly via Unthil's powers, that Transcendentem exists and that it contains infinitely many Beyond Bubbles like their own, however they do not know any of the details. Unthil's Omniscience is great enough that he could learn of them, but he chooses not to, as he knows the sheer fundamental difference between our Beyond Bubble and the rest of Transcendentem would destroy his mind. Thus, they choose to know nothing of Transcendentem other than the mere fact that it exists.

Other entities below the Supergod Council usually have no knowledge of Transcendentem whatsoever, even entities such as Creator and Destroyer truly believe our Beyond bubble to be all of existence. However, there are some exceptions.

The Omniversal Traveler has heard of rumors of the space beyond the Omniverse just being bubbles within a greater space, like a Universe to a Multiverse, and was motivated to keep exploring, however, the traveler lacks the abilities and the equipment to survive in just Beyond for a short time, let alone Transcendentem, a realm so fundamentally different from the form of reality The Omniversal Traveler is capable of existing in that merely exiting his Beyond Bubble would completely destroy him. However, this will likely not happen as The Supergod Council, even the sympathetic members, would not allow the traveler to go beyond their own reach, as even the council is unaware of what lurks beyond their Beyond Bubble. The fact that entering Transcendentem means that Hellensoerensen wouldn't be able to affect the traveler really says something about the full size of Transcendentem and the power of The Guardian of the 5th Wall.

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